Maitland Feature Weaner Sale

April 3, 2025

Livestock Sale


Maitland Saleyards

Start Time

11:00 am


April 3, 2025


Maitland Annual Feature Weaner Sale

Thursday 3rd April 2025 -11am
1200 Top of the drop weaners 1200

Grass-fed, antibiotic free, pre weighed & scanned
Live Auction interfaced with AuctionsPlus

Featuring lines of locally bred Steers & Heifers, from some of the
most reputable herds across the Hunter & Manning Valley

A/c Cenrim Agribusiness, Wallarobba
140 Angus x Angus steers 8-9mths
80 Angus x Angus heifers 8-9mths
Outstanding quality, sired by Knowla, Urban & Sugarloaf bulls, 280 – 340kgs

A/c N & L Brown, Allynbrook Park, Allynbrook
50 Angus steers 8-9mths
50 Angus heifers 8-9mths
By Sugarloaf & 3R Beef Angus bulls

A/c R & G Harris, “Mulbrae” Chads Creek
39 Angus steers 7-9mths
34 Angus heifers 7-9mths
Sugarloaf blood, very good quality, renowned for doing ability

A/c Boambee Angus, Seaham
50 Angus steers 7-8mths
Sired by Te Mania, Millah Murrah & Boambee Angus bulls

A/c Tomkat Pastoral, Bunyah
25 Angus steers 7-8mths, 300kg +
Sired by Millah Murrah & Texas Angus bulls
Out of Knowla bloods cows

A/c Rainhill Angus, Gloucester
20 Angus steers 7-9mths
8 Angus Heifers 7-9mths
Full Knowla blood

A/c J & S Angus, Gloucester
45 Angus mixed sex weaners
Knowla blood, EU accredited

A/c The Breeder, Gloucester
40 Angus steers 8-10mths, Wattletop blood
20 Angus heifers 8-10mths

A/c Penshurst Pastoral, Mt Rivers
50 Angus weaner steers 8mths
By Sugarloaf & Talooby bulls

A/c Kyloe Partnership, Main Creek
14 Angus steers 8-9mths
13 Angus heifers 8-9mths
Forres bloodlines

A/c AG & BJ Green, Clarence Town
12 Angus steers 7-9mths Sugarloaf bloodlines

A/c Carowiry Creek Angus, NL Cameron & KN Evans, Main Creek
6 Angus weaners 8mths
Sired by Knowla Payload (top priced Knowla bull 2019)

A/c Sansom Pastoral, Brandy Hill
20 Angus steers 8-9mths
20 Angus heifers 8-9mths
Spring drop, Sugarloaf blood

A/c J & J Slack, Eccleston
30 Angus steers 8-9mths Spring drop,
Sugarloaf, Knowla, KO & Waverley blood

A/c Dopmina, Nelsons Plains
30 Angus steers, 9mths, Boambee & Sugarloaf bloodlines

A/c PJ & JG Eveleigh, Brandy Hill
20 Angus steers 9-10 mths
Good quality & weight

A/c Dorney & Shultz, Buladelah
40 Angus mixed sex weaners

A/c Karingal, Gloucester
29 Angus mixed sex weaners

A/c H20 Investments Pty Ltd, Booral
25 Angus mixed sex weaners

A/c SMJ Hayden & AR Bowden, Gloucester
16 Angus mixed sex weaners 6-8mths
Curracabark blood

A/c Mount Faulk, Cooranbong
8 Angus heifers 8mths Boambee bloodlines

A/c Melbury Park Angus, Dungog
5 Angus heifers 10mths
By Boambee Sensation S13

A/c Woodville Park, Woodville
6 Charolais steers
6 Charolais heifers
Palgrove blood

A/c DV & SA Redgrove, Wallalong
12 Pure Charolais steers 8mths
10 Pure Charolais heifers 8mths
Rosedale blood

A/c CW & JL Brewer, Marshdale
9 Angus steers 9mths
9 Angus heifers 9mths
Sired by Cooreei bulls out of Sugarloaf cows

A/c J & K Ash, Millfield
10 Angus & Limo x heifers

A/c Mandorla, Dooralong
12 Angus heifers
5 Angus steers

– All cattle will be preweighed & sold dollars per head
– Curfew of 6pm Wednesday 2nd April 2025 to allow assessment of all lots

Please book your livestock in so we can properly market them for auction

Greg Lidbury 0419 498 561    Tony Bowe 0409 498 562
Michael Easey 0428 327 007    Rodney McDonald 0429 873 405

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